Friday, November 27, 2009

Thank you, friends made at Terrasante

I understand that many of my new friends and indeed my esteemed boyfriend at times found the set-up at this intentional community in the Sonoran desert to be highly chaotic and difficult, often times it was like being the rope in a game of tug of war between the some of the residents there. It was also challenging at times to deal with the powers that be at this community, but this is not what I am going to take from my time there. I am not sure if I mentioned it already, but I fell in love with the desert, with the sunsets, the warmth, the dizzying array of animals and in particular birds there and with the friendships that I have made while there. So to everyone there who let me become a friend with them at Terrasante, please know that I am extremely grateful for every conversation. Thank you for sharing your story and your point of view with me, and thank you for making my time there so inspirational and blessed. I learned much about myself and I escaped from the holding pattern that I have allowed myself to fall into for the last few years. So I am a happy bunny, even though the tears escaped from my eyes while en route to Flagstaff.

Lots of love

1 comment:

Phoef said...

I am really glad that your time at Terrasante ended well for you honey:o) Love to you both xxxx