it was really cool. we saw them the other day but today they were eating bananas from the tree near the shop so i was able to get close to them and they were to interested in the bananas to be bothered with me. so i was able to get within six feet of them! they were the half-pint toucans not the guinness toucans scale. they are around here somewhere too but to see such a strange bird up close is great. they have such lovely colours on them and their beaks have strange patterns on.
as well as that. as i said before i was processing some white clay i dug up. so i came to thinking i needed a few tools for working the clay.
after making a few nice wood tools yesterday i got to thinking. maybe some nice metal ones to work on the finer details? so about two hours later- i now have three double-ended metal modelling tools the likes of which i would pay twenty euro each for in ireland.
all i needed was a bit of small gauge rebar, a hammer, an anvil, a bench grinder, a few cloth backed sandpaper shards and a bit of stick to bend the finer tool heads around.
now i can get to work.
happy new year everyone!!! missing you loads! hope that all your dreams come true this year!
Dee! They are amazing!! Well done and have fun with the clay :o)
Thoughts on firing....?
firing? a nice hot fire of course. there is an exact science to it but basic firing can be done with a nice hot fire and moving the piece closer to the fire to get it used to the heat.then cover the picein the hot coals/ashes and wait. maybe keeping fire going on top of it.
delighted to read your blog. The toucans are wonderful, and as for the tools - I'm amazed. They look like bought tools. well done! And all the best with the work. Lots of love and here's to a really happy and productive New Year to you and Zee. Mum.
Great work Dee. Keep it going. Dad
Hey Travelling Uncle Dee and Auntie Zee - can u bring me back a Guinness Bird ?! Love Liam xx
What an amazing time you are having guys ! :o) Thanks for the images of the spiders bro..... although spideys that eat each other are my kind of spidey ! The tools are amazing Dee, well done :o) And Zee - you must be very brave (or very crazy..?) to swim in a croc river !
Love to you both and happy happy new year to you xxx Big Sis Niamh
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