This is a blog about making things,
trying new things, growing things, forest gardens and living in a
less commodified way.
I have been interested in free food,
growing food and making things for a while now. My interest in
foraging for food has recently driven me to give walk and talk
courses in food foraging, while growing food has lead to an active
interest in permaculture that in turn inspired me to develop a forest
garden at Sonairte, an ecology centre where I volunteer. (The forest
garden is in its gestation stage, as it grows and develops, I will
write more about it. With respect to making things, this started with
me making a bad batch of peach wine when I was 17, while the wine was
bad, the idea was good, I CAN MAKE STUFF! My phobia of mom's sewing
machine left me when I was 19 and enrolled in a one year fashion
design course that taught me how to sew, design and draught patterns.
My skills have improved with use and I make some of my own clothes and in
the past have made things to sell. Having the confidence to make things
inspires me to make other things, it is empowering, so over the years
I tried my hand at making better wines, sparkling strawberry cider,
cordials, preserves medicines etc.
Two years ago, my life research partner
and I got married, we had a local, hand-made wedding. He made the
rings, I made my dress, my mom and myself did all of the flowers
(using sweetpea donated by other allotmenteers) and my sister baked
the most beautiful wedding cake in the world. We made our own
invites, confetti and wedding jewelry. It was tiring, but in all,
great fun. We were able to do this because we had more time than
money. For the last while, when we had a bit more money and a bit
less time, our focus changed away from making things, and onto
getting things done, things like studying and going to work and
making plans for the future. We started buying the things that we can
easily make and stopped thinking about our purchasing decisions. This
change was subtle, I certainly did not realise it was happening at
the time, though I remember putting off finishing a skirt I had
started until my studies were finished. A fix that only took me 2
hours to do. Looking back on my time spent studying, it was not lack
of time that was the problem, it was my own sense that I did not have
the time, that and my penchant for procrastination.
Now that I have gotten my thinking time
back, I have started sewing and reading again. THE GOOD LIFE LAB by
Wendy Jehanara Tremayne really crystalised a lot of ideas for me. The
idea of living a decommodified life (not buying what you can make,
using waste to create stuff that is useful, sharing/gifting surplus)
really appealed to me, I felt re-empowered to take steps towards our
own decommodified life. Inspired by my husband's jam making last
weekend (using raspberries from the freezer), this week, I started
gathering my ingredients together and over the course of the weekend,
I made:
- Dandelion coffee- dandelion roots gathered while weeding, washed, blitzed in food processor and roasted in oven till coffee like
Yoghurt- 4 litres of milk, slow cooker, live yoghurt, heat milk in slow cooker on low for 2 hours, cool down to blood temp (2 hours) add live yoghurt, insulate slow cooker overnight, yoghurt can be used as is or filtered to make 2 litres of thicker, greek style yoghurt and whey for use in bread etc.
- Water Kefir- I bought some grains at a farmer's market, this is my first time tying this one, will keep you posted about it.
- Chilli jam- chillies were on special offer, can't wait to use my own chillies (Bolivian hairy is the variety that I am growing on the windowsill). 250G chillies, 2 slices ginger, blitzed up together, 250g sugar, 100ml vinegar, cook till thick, bottle into sterile jars
- Soda bread using the whey from the yoghurt filtering process, there are plenty of recipes out there for this, besides, I used too much soda, so mine is not quite right. Instead of brown flour I added 3 cups of a South African porridge meal to 4 cups of flour.
Dried herbs/flowers for use as medicine:i) Mullein leaves- dried, infusion, expectorantii) Clover flowers – dried, useful in an infusion to ease period crampsiii) Chamomile flowers – dried, infusion, calmingiv) Elderflowers – dried, infusion, expectorant

So this coming week's projects include:
(time anticipated)
- Elderflower cordial (3 hours including foraging for flowers)
- Vanilla extract (20 mins, including buying vodka)
- Search for a found alternative to my favourite herbal tea (ongoing project)
- Bottle the ginger wine (1/2 hour)
- Search for a herb to be used against sinus infections (ongoing project)
- Bottle kefir and start another batch (1/2 hour)
- Work on a dress for a hen party (6 hours)
1 comment:
Wow! I'm so excited for you.
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