Saturday, January 23, 2010

I have a new surname

went to San Ignacio today to go see a dentist for my tooth. after missing the turn-off for the bus stop we discovered that the bridge the bus usually goes over is being rebuilt. possibly due to the recent rain but more likely due to the same way that roadworks are done in Ireland to insure new grants for the coming fiscal year. anyway, we walked back up from San Ignacio over the high bridge that brings us back to Santa Helena where we wanted to be.. turning down a road that would sync us up with the map zees dad had drawn we were halfway down the road when we saw the dentist. in we went. not a long wait. and then i was away jabbering to the dentist whose names is Mercedes. she had a very down to earth manner and steady hands. so i can have the tooth pulled or have aroot canal. she recommends root canal. it seems to make sense from several angles to me. one. it means i still have a chomper. two. it cost around 700 belizean dollars. which is about 250 euro. and we're away. down into the 'oh dear, is that nasty pointy-thing meant to fix my tooth' position.
she says- I'm gonna do this without anesthetic cos the tooth is already dead.
i say- i may scream.
we go on. no problems no pain. she scrapes my roots out and pads the area with a medicated desiccant of some sort that will dry up the puss-bag that has developed in my jaw. caps it of for the week with a little filling and sends me on my way. back next week. she wants to see that i heal properly so two more visits but only one for actual tooth work. the one after that is to check to see that my fistula(a small canal i installed myself running from the abscess to my gum) has healed up and no more infection is in evidence. no problem. and as it is Saturday it is also market day so it makes things easy moving back and forth between towns.
did i mention the bus is just regular if not more so than the dublin buses? definitely more interesting but just as regular. i also may have forgot to tell you about the bus that nearly squished us in the terminal(near feckin fatal!) in Belmopan. well we were waiting behind the locked gate they have just installed that stops people from congregating outside near where the bus parks. and yay! here comes our bus! oh wait it isn't slowing down. and that driver looks very worried. come to think of it i can see the whites of his eyes. swerve, bounce on The kerb, hop over it, crash through metal fence on kerb, crush bike, slam into wall and brake. nobody was hurt but someone was very upset about their new bike. well at least the new gates that stopped people from standing where the bike was worked. nobody hurt paralysed or dead.
i have to say that the buses here are very robust. i think the wall was more hurt than the bus was.
and onto the next bus.

oh and as for the dentists. in a very funny cultural misinterpretation i now have a new Mayan-friendly surname.

i like it.

1 comment:

Dadtaxi said...

Glad to hear that you got on OK at the Dentist. At least(The) Mercedes was not as dangerous as the Bus.I love the new surname . So does Marie.